Load spatial data (simple) This sample shows how to easily load spatial data using the spatial io module into the map. The atlas.io.read function supports reading KML, KMZ, GPX, GeoRSS, GML, GeoJSON, CSV (with spatial columns). This function can take in a string that contains the raw data or a URL to the data. The data format will be automatically detected and parsed acoordingly. This function returns a SpatialDataSet object that extends from a GeoJSON Feature Collection. Passing this directly into a data source will load all features in the data set. Here is a list of all the properties within a SpatialDataSet object. Note: Not all file and mime types are enabled in all servers. If using .NET, it is recommended to add the following to the web.config file in the <system.webServer> section:

 <remove fileExtension=".json"/>
 <mimeMap fileExtension=".json" mimeType="application/json"/>
 <mimeMap fileExtension=".geojson" mimeType="application/json"/>
 <mimeMap fileExtension=".gpx" mimeType="application/xml"/>
 <mimeMap fileExtension=".georss" mimeType="application/xml"/>
 <mimeMap fileExtension=".kml" mimeType="application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml"/>
 <mimeMap fileExtension=".kmz" mimeType="application/vnd.google-earth.kmz"/>
 <mimeMap fileExtension=".tab" mimeType="text/plain"/>
 <mimeMap fileExtension=".pipe" mimeType="text/plain"/>